Nerthus Kitchen Accessories: Tools for Cooking with Mastery

To Cook

Explore our collection of Nerthus kitchen accessories, designed to help you cook with mastery and style. From spice grinders to timers and scales, our accessories are designed to make every step of the cooking process easier and more precise. Made with high-quality materials and featuring functional and elegant designs, our accessories are the perfect complement to any kitchen. Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, our accessories will help you elevate your culinary skills and prepare delicious meals with confidence and ease. Discover our collection and make cooking an even more enjoyable and satisfying experience.



Transform your ingredients with Nerthus grinders, designed to offer fresh aromas and intense flavors in every recipe. Our collection includes a variety of grinders, from spice grinders to coffee grinders, all designed with precision and functionality in mind. With sharp and adjustable blades, our grinders allow you to grind your ingredients with precision to achieve the desired results in your dishes. Whether you're preparing a spicy curry or an aromatic espresso, our grinders will help take your recipes to the next level. Discover our collection and make every meal a unique and memorable flavor experience.


Prepare your ingredients with precision and ease thanks to Nerthus peelers. Our collection of peelers is designed to help you peel fruits and vegetables quickly and efficiently, without wasting any part of the ingredients. With sharp blades and ergonomic handles, our peelers allow you to do the job with comfort and precision. Whether you're preparing a fresh salad or a delicious apple pie, our peelers are the perfect addition to any kitchen. Discover our collection and make ingredient preparation an easy and satisfying task.


Get perfect textures in your ingredients with Nerthus graters. Our collection of graters is designed to provide precise and uniform results with every use. Whether you're grating cheese for a delicious pasta or vegetables for a fresh salad, our graters will help you prepare your ingredients with ease and precision. Made with high-quality materials and sharp blades, our graters are durable and easy to use. Discover our collection and take your culinary skills to the next level with Nerthus graters.

Oil and Grease Dispensers

Elevate your culinary experience with Nerthus oil and grease dispensers, designed to blend style and functionality in your kitchen. Our collection offers a variety of elegant and practical designs, ensuring you find the perfect complement for your culinary needs. In addition to their attractive design, our oil and grease dispensers are designed with precise pouring, allowing you to control the amount of oil or grease you add to your dishes with ease. Whether you're preparing a homemade meal or a special dinner, our oil and grease dispensers will help enhance the flavor of your dishes while adding a touch of elegance to your kitchen. Discover our collection and make every culinary experience even more special with Nerthus oil and grease dispensers.

Air Fryer Molds

Prepare a wide variety of delicious and healthy dishes with Nerthus air fryer molds. Our collection includes a variety of molds specifically designed for use with air fryers, ensuring perfect results in every preparation. From cake molds to pizza trays, our molds allow you to cook a wide range of dishes with your air fryer without the need for oil. With high-quality materials and a heat-resistant design, our molds are durable and easy to clean. Discover our collection and take your cooking to a new level with Nerthus air fryer molds.

Kitchen Mortars

Experience tradition and efficiency in your kitchen with Nerthus mortars. Our collection offers a variety of mortars designed to meet your culinary needs, from grinding spices to crushing fresh herbs. Made with high-quality materials such as ceramic or granite, our mortars ensure exceptional durability and optimal performance with each use. Whether you're preparing a homemade curry or a fresh herb sauce, our mortars will help you highlight the flavors and aromas of your dishes with ease and precision. Explore our collection and make food preparation an even more rewarding experience with Nerthus mortars.

Timers and Scales

Get perfect results in every recipe with Nerthus timers and scales. Our collection offers a wide range of utensils designed to help you control cooking time and weigh your ingredients accurately. Whether you're baking a cake or cooking a full meal, our timers will help you keep track of cooking time with ease, while our scales will allow you to measure your ingredients precisely for consistent results. Made with durable materials and a functional design, our timers and scales are the perfect addition to any kitchen. Discover our collection and make every recipe a culinary success with Nerthus timers and scales.

Spice Racks

Keep your favorite spices organized and within reach with Nerthus spice racks. Our collection offers a variety of options designed to meet your storage and organization needs in the kitchen. Whether you prefer a wall-mounted design or a countertop spice rack, our spice racks will help you keep your spices tidy and easily accessible while adding a touch of style to your kitchen. Made with high-quality materials and featuring a functional design, our spice racks are durable and easy to clean. Explore our collection and make cooking even more enjoyable with Nerthus spice racks.

Tongs and Gloves

Handle your food with safety and precision using Nerthus tongs and gloves. Our collection offers a wide variety of tools designed to help you handle your ingredients with ease and safety. Whether you're flipping meat on the grill or plating delicate dishes, our tongs provide you with a firm and controlled grip to ensure perfect results in every preparation. Additionally, our gloves offer you additional protection while handling hot or sharp foods. Made with high-quality materials and ergonomic design, our tongs and gloves are durable and easy to clean. Discover our collection and make every culinary experience a safe and satisfying one with Nerthus tongs and gloves.

Ice Cream Molds

Create your own homemade ice creams with Nerthus' ice cream molds. Our collection offers a variety of options designed to help you make your own refreshing creations at home. From popsicle molds to silicone molds, our molds are easy to use and guarantee delicious results. Just add your favorite ice cream mixture, insert the sticks, and let them freeze to get delicious homemade ice creams in a matter of hours. Made with high-quality materials and a functional design, our molds are durable and easy to clean. Discover our collection and enjoy delicious refreshing desserts at home with Nerthus' ice cream molds.

Salad Spinner

Prepare fresh and crispy salads with the Nerthus Salad Spinner. Our spinner is designed to help you remove excess water from your vegetables, ensuring delicious results with every bite. Simply place your washed vegetables in the basket, spin the crank, and let the spinner do the work for you. In just a few seconds, your ingredients will be perfectly dry and ready to be mixed with your favorite dressings. Made with durable materials and a functional design, our spinner is easy to use and clean. Discover freshness and convenience in every bite with the Nerthus Salad Spinner.

Cooking Accessories

Discover a wide range of Nerthus kitchen accessories, designed to help you prepare your favorite dishes with ease and style. Our collection includes a variety of essential utensils, from popcorn makers for a movie night at home to ladles, juicers, and whisks to facilitate the preparation of your favorite recipes. Made with durable materials and a functional design, our accessories will help you cook with confidence and precision at every step of the process. Whether you're baking a cake, juicing fresh juice, or making a delicious soup, our kitchen accessories are designed to meet all your culinary needs. Explore our collection and make every cooking experience even more enjoyable with Nerthus kitchen accessories.

Microwave Covers

Protect your food and preserve its flavor and freshness with Nerthus microwave covers. Our collection offers a variety of covers designed to fit different sizes of containers and dishes, ensuring that your food is cooked evenly and without splatters. Made with high-quality materials and a functional design, our covers are durable, easy to clean, and microwave-safe. Whether you're reheating leftovers or cooking fresh dishes, our microwave covers will help you achieve perfect results every time. Explore our collection and make microwave cooking an even more convenient and satisfying experience with Nerthus microwave covers.

Mold 6 ice cream with base
Pack Molde 6 Helados Con Base con base ideal para hacer helados caseros, gelatinas, polos, sorbetes, yogurt, zumos de fruta...Presenta un apoyo práctico para poner los polos en la nevera y para guardar los moldes.Modo de empleo: para quitar el polo del molde se aconseja ponerlo bajo el agua fría unos minutos.Una forma sana y divertida de elaborar sus propios helados al gusto caseros, sin conservantes ni colorantes.Se pueden hacer infinidad de combinaciones de helados de yogurt, zumo de frutas, batidos de leche, chocolate...etc
Marmol mortar
Mortero Mármol de alta calidad muy resistente. Interior sin pulir para un mejor uso. Indicado para machacar y moler especias, hierbas. Muela rápidamente los ingredientes para la preparación de los alimentos con el mínimo esfuerzo. Robusto, resistente y fácil de limpiar.
Peel and
Pelador con cuchilla lisa que hace el corte fino para no desperdiciar nada.Dispone de un mango ergonómico para un uso cómodo y seguro.Tiene una hoja giratoria lisa de doble sentido para diestros o zurdos. Además, es ultra afilada lo que permite que sus cortes sean rápidos.Hoja de acero inoxidable anticorrosión.
Cuchara Medir que mide con precisión los ingredientes que van desde 0,25oz-1oz y de 5 a 30ml.Ponga a cero el peso del recipiente y le informará del peso neto de los ingredientes.Adecuado para una amplia gama sustancias sólidas, líquidas y polvos.Dispone de un imán para su almacenamiento.
Inox mortar
Mortero inox fabricado en acero inoxidable muy resistente. Indicado para machacar y moler especias, hierbas. Tiene una base antideslizante para una sujeción segura para su uso. Muela rápidamente los ingredientes para la preparación de los alimentos con el mínimo esfuerzo. Robusto, resistente y fácil de limpiar.
Popcorn Cooker
Disfruta de palomitas frescas y auténticas en minutos con el Recipiente para Cocinar Palomitas. Prepara tus propias palomitas en casa, sin complicaciones ni productos preenvasados. Ideal para reuniones familiares y noches de cine. Disfruta de la experiencia cinematográfica con este práctico recipiente.
Kitchen thermometer
Termómetro Cocina el cual muestra la temperatura precisa en la pantalla digital.Amplio rango de medición entre -50°C a 300°C, perfecto para controlar temperaturas de frituras, cocción, postres en el horno, etc.Modo de empleo: Pinche lo que quiera medir y la temperatura de su interior se mostrará en la pantalla. Puede saber si la comida está cruda, muy hecha o poco hecha.
¡No más comida carbonizaba!Cabe fácilmente en un cajón, en un armario o en sus estantes de cocina, por lo que siempre está ahí cuando lo necesite.Pilas incluidas y funda protectora para el medidor.
Cut pineapples
Corta piñas con mango desmontable para fácil limpieza en tonos grises.2 en 1 herramienta - permite pelar la piña, además de quitar el centro de la misma con un simple movimiento de rosca.Ahorre tiempo y corte la piña de la forma más cómoda e eficiente.Herramienta imprescindible para cualquier cocina.Presentado en blister.
Manual coffee grinder STEEL
Nuestro molinillo de café manual es portátil e ideal para una pausa rápida para tomar café. El tamaño compacto le permite disfrutar de café recién molido en cualquier lugar.
Silicone ice cream
Set de 4 Molde Helado Silicona multicolor para helados, fabricados en silicona para hacer infinidad de combinaciones de helados de yogurt, zumo de frutas, batidos etc.Forma ergonómica del molde para facilitar el agarre y succión del helado. Contiene tapa para usar en el proceso de congelado.Una forma sana y divertida de elaborar sus propios helados al gusto, sin conservantes ni colorantes.El tubo flexible de silicona permite ir comiendo el helado evitando cualquier derramamiento.Surtido de 4 colores: rojo, amarillo, verde y naranja.
Carousel Specrio 8
Carrusel Especiero 8 giratorio con 8 botes transparentes para una fácil identificación de los contenidos.Proporciona una forma fácil de mantener La organización en la cocina y así ahorrar espacio.Ahorre espacio en sus cajones y encimeras, instalando nuestro especiero en su cocina.El carrusel consta de un asa central, para facilitar el transporte y sistema giratorio para ayudar en la selección.Podrá guardar sus especias y condimentos de distintos tamaños y tenerlos siempre a mano.